Results and data

Environmental accounting provides information and data from a wide variety of areas. The benefit and success of environmental accounting also depends largely on the fact that this information and data can be used in other areas of application and can therefore form the basis for environmentally relevant decisions.

Environmentally related transfers

Environmental taxes in Austria 2000 - 2022

Energy and transport taxes account for the largest share of environmental taxes in Austria. Overall, there was a continuous increase in the absolute numbers of eco-taxes from 2000 to 2019. From 2020 onwards, no linear development of eco-taxes can bei observed.  The comparatively low energy tax values in the years 2020 to 2022 can be attributed to the lower energy consumption during the corona pandemic or the energy saving measures in the wake of the Ukraine conflict. The share of eco-taxes in GDP was relatively stable at around 2.5% in the years before the corona pandemic. This share has fallen since 2020 and will be just under 2% in 2022. After a brief increase in 2017 (6.1%), the share of eco-taxes in other taxes and social contributions fell continuously to around 4.7% until 2022.

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Material flow accounts / -analysis

Materialflows in Austria 2022

Data from the material flow accounts provide information about the circular economy in Austria, which in turn is an important element of the European Green Deal. The diagram shows the material flows in the Austrian economy. The ratio of direct material input (imports and extraction of natural resources) to processed and recycled material (material stocks), exports and emissions to nature (emissions, dissipative flows, waste). The circularity rate, i.e. the ratio between the total material input into the Austrian economy and the recycled residual materials that flow back into the product cycle, is 9.8 %. This percentage represents the proportion of the total processed material in the Austrian economy that comes from recycling.

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Environmental protection expenditures

Environmental protection expenditures in Austria 1995 - 2021

The diagram describes the results from the environmental protection expenditures accounts for the period 1995 to 2021. Overall, environmental protection expenditures in Austria in 2021 amounted to around 14.6 billion euros. This corresponds to an increase in annual environmental protection expenditures of around 141 % compared to 1995. In the shorter observation period from 2010, the increase in annual environmental protection expenditures compared to 2021 is around 30 %. The largest increase, at around 50 %, can be seen in the area of ​​waste management, followed by the area of ​​protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water with around 18%. Annual environmental protection expenditures for other environmental protection activities decreased between 2010 and 2021, namely by around 252 million euros when comparing these two years.

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Air emissions accounts

Air emissions, GDP and environmental protection expenditures for air pollution control and climate protection in Austria 2000 - 2022

Environmental protection expenditures for air pollution control and climate protection in Austria has increased from around 570 million Euro in 2000 to just over 2 000 million Euro in 2021. (Data for environmental protection expenditures is only available up to 2021.) In the same period, GDP in Austria has almost doubled. At the same time, air emissions of CH4, NOx and SO2 have fallen significantly in some cases. CH4 and NOx by around 30-40 % and SO2 by over 60 %. CO2 emissions, on the other hand, have increased by over 13 % over the same period. While CH4 emissions have been steadily falling since 2000, NOx and SO2 emissions have increased slightly again since 2020.

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